
Ashram College

Page history last edited by Boris Berlijn 7 years, 9 months ago


How to use this school page:


  • This is the page to introduce yourselves to the other groups/classes in your Learning Circle and post all your challenge contributions. 

  • We ask you to share not only the results, but also a report of the learning process: how you discussed, planned, divided tasks, enjoyed working on the challenges etc. 


Giving and receiving feedback:


  • On this school page (below) you'll find text boxes for the feedback from the other groups in your Circle.
    We ask you to give each school feedback, in each of the 4 phases of this Circle.

  • If you want to give a brief remark to a group, please use the comment box at the bottom of the school page.



A. Short movie from my students about durability and sustainability in our school environment and their home environment.

And the results of the test I took about their behaviour concerning durability. Note: Google Translate does weird things to the questions in Dutch I asked them. ;) 



B. These are the students from geography class 2Mb from Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands. They've created a SMART amp workspace and I (Boris, their teacher) made screenshots of their work to share in this wiki. Happy reading and looking forward to collaborating with you all!





Contributions Challenge 1:


Assignment 1:





Hydroelectricity is a form of green energy. Hydroelectricity is also known as “Water electricity”. Hydroelectricity is being generated by water flowing along a turbine at a dam. The turbine is attached to a generator. The turbine starts spinning and the generator starts generating energy. The generated energy will provide the cities and villages of energy. The cons of this energy is that the fishes who live in the area can’t pass the dam. To prevent this issue they made rosters in the dam so the fishes can pass. This doesn’t fix the issue completely. Big fishes are still stuck behind the dam and will never be able to pass it without the dam being removed.


This form of energy is being generated in The Netherlands at dams and rivers.


This form of energy is not being actively promoted in The Netherlands.




Assignment 2:





  We are having a Skype meeting with .............. group:
                                                        on .............. date 

                                                         at .............. pm/am



Contributions Challenge 2:


Assignment 1:


We are having a Skype meeting with .............. group: 
                                                      on .............. date 

                                                       at .............. pm/am










Feedback from First City Gymnasia :




Feedback from Lyceum de Grundel 2A1 Detlef Duwe:




Feedback from Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School:




Feedback from Lyceum de Grundel 2HA2 Marcel Kienhuis :




Feedback from Glebe Collegiate Institute:




Feedback from Hope School:




Feedback from Bal Prabhat Boarding:




Feedback from: Mrs Claudia Kuiper; nice introduction page! Well done.




Feedback from:








Comments (1)

Charlotte Tervit said

at 11:28 am on May 22, 2017

Hi Ashram College

Thank you so much for posing all this great work!


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