Overview of Skills
Working on the challenges you are not only connecting and learning globally with your peers, you are also expanding knowledge and meanwhile intensively learning and practicing various skills.
Developing your capacity for thoughtful social action involves specific critical thinking tools. Organizing activities for social projects in your school, neighborhood or community will further enrich curricular goals and build on knowledge.
Curricula across North America encourage students to analyze social problems, formulate thoughtful strategies,question assumptions, and act responsibly on their beliefs as part of active citizenship. Social action projects are an integral part of the exploration of curriculum rather than an “add on”. The social action project becomes the vehicle through which students uncover the curriculum and develop understanding.
The Handbook 'Social Action Projects’ (Imagine Action) was jointly developed by the CTF (Canadian Teachers’ Federation) and TC2 (The Critical Thinking Consortium).
It is written for teachers who want to involve their students in social action projects. It describes 'Understanding and Planning' social action projects, and provides background knowledge necessary for teachers to effectively implement social action you can assess the projects.
This is an overview of skills essential to carry out your tasks thoughtfully.
Click here to download and print a pdf version; you can use it to keep track of what skills have been addressed and what it has brought to you.
Contributing to group work |
Know and respect agreements |
Take initiative |
Give feedback
Learn from feedback |
Stand up for yourself |
Helping others achieve their goals |
Contribution to the work climate |
Actively listen to others |
Ask questions to support others |
How to use writing to share ideas with others |
How to read, evaluate and edit the work of others
Critical Thinking (to problems & issues)
Think of a good a question for the assignment |
Think of a good a question for the interview |
How to start and carry out a research in respond to questions |
The ability to collect, interpret and present information to others |
Reflection on own work/actions
Effectiveness of own actions |
Insight in consequences of own actions |
Learning from the approach of others |
Reflecting on the quality of work |
Learning Strategies
Set realistic goals |
Divide goals into sub-steps |
Create a schedule/plan |
Perform planning; set priorities |
Organizing tasks for assignment |
Self guided learning & ownership
Define learning goals |
Ask for help |
Make choices in: priorities |
Make choices in: how to learn |
Make choices in: where to learn |
Make choices in: when to learn |
Make choices in: with whom to learn |
Adjusting choices |
Global collaboration & Cultural Perspectives
Show empathy
Conflict resolution |
Analyze social problems |
Clarify the problem |
Explore issues of national and global significance |
Understand how regions are similar and different |
Learn to work with peers in other places
ICT skills:
Understand how technologies are used in virtual collaboration
Gain experience in working with computers |
Be aware of 'Netiquette' in digital communication |

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