What is the Global Teenager Project?
The Global Teenager Project connects students globally by sharing web based classroom discussions in a safe and structured environment.
Imagine a lively classroom debate on immigration, rain forests or HIV/AIDS where teachers and pupils are linked up with their peers in Ghana or Taiwan and get their opinions on the subject. Now, apply that thought to a school curriculum and you capture the heart of the Global Teenager Project (GTP).
It gives schools a kick-start in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It also provides students with a strong basis in communication skills and valuable insights into other cultures.
Finally, it livens up the teaching process as teachers incorporate new ideas and methods into their classes and allow students to take a higher level of ownership in learning.
International Learning Circles
The powerhouse behind the Global Teenager Project is the 'Learning Circle', a proven concept created by Dr. Margaret Riel. Learning Circles are virtual environments for intercultural exchange and learning. Twice a year, under professional guidance, groups of 8 to 10 classes from all over the world form a Learning Circle by linking up via Wiki and Web 2.0 tools. The Learning Circles are conducted in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Papiamentu and Arabic. In several countries national or regional Learning Circles are developed in local languages.
The teacher plays a key role in the process. The classes select a theme from a shortlist of topics such as health, environment, human rights, MDG’s global citizenship or simply 'my life'. For 10 weeks or more the students in each Learning Circle communicate via email or wikis on that one topic, using a structured phase method.
Learning Circles Children’s Rights since 2013
In the 2013 and 2014 project: 'A journey with Lot', more than 2000 students from nine different countries shared a fantastic learning adventure on Children's Rights. Lot is an initiative of the Dutch artist Herman van Veen. Lot is found in Lot's Foundation since July 2014. The goal of Lot's Foundation is to create global awareness on children's rights.
In collaboration with Lot’s Foundation, the Global Teenager Project, iEARN and ICT&E, Learning Circles Children’s Rights are offered in Dutch and English, from February until the end of may each year since.
Although the Global Teenager Project initially started as a project designed just for high school students, the project has now been expanded and includes children of all ages and abilities including Gifted & Talented and SEN.
Professional Development

Once mastered the full depth of the Learning Circles, GTP offers a rich and dynamic international learning environment network where your students work and learn together with more than 20.000 students in 40+ countries. GTP brings the world in your classroom.
What does the Global Teenager Project bring to your classroom?
- Well facilitated interactive educational activities
- Intercultural exchange and awareness: GTP takes away stereotypical images and preconceived ideas and gives way to a deeper intercultural understanding and sensitivity to other belief systems.
- Life-long learning skills: Students are given a solid grounding in critical thinking, teamwork and independent learning.
- Democratic information exchange: GTP's virtual environment and web 2.0 tools create a level playing field where everyone is equal and an expert in his or her own field. Lasting friendships are formed which continue long after the Learning Circle has ended.
- Teacher-training programms: Teachers are taught ICT and information skills and shown how to integrate computers and the internet using new teaching concepts, such as project-based learning.
The Global Teenager Learning Circle: Goals for Teachers and Students
Share Individual, Regional, and Cultural Perspectives
• Promote intercultural and regional understanding and sensitivity
• Understand how regions are similar and different
• Explore issues of national and global significance
Foster Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills
• Engage students in thoughtful choice of a question for the Learning Circle
• Involve students in research as they respond to questions
• Develop students' ability to collect, interpret and present information to others
• Improve map reading skills as students locate the Circle schools
Enhance Communication Skills
• Encourage students to use writing to share ideas with others
• Provide opportunities to read, evaluate and edit the work of others
• Promote writing across the curriculum
Develop Co-operative and Collaborative Work Strategies
• Learn to work as members of a team with peers in other places
• Understand responsibilities that come with group participation
• Learn how to work co-operatively with partners in distant locations.
Learn to use Telecommunications Technology including Web 2.0 tools
• Understand how technologies are used to exchange information
• Gain experience in working with computers
• Be aware of 'Netiquette' in electronic communication
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