

Page history last edited by Charlotte Tervit 7 years, 8 months ago





Welcome to the


Learning Circle

 Saving Our Planet


 Wiki LC 9 / 2017











About this Learning Circle 


On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda.   


In this Learning Circle we will do research about Sustainable Development Goals which are aimed to Protect our Planet: 


Sustainable Development Goal 7

Affordable and Clean Energy 

Sustainable Development Goal 13

Climate Action 



These two SDG's go hand in hand to highlight where we stand today in regards to Climate Change and what we can do to stop the devastating effects thereof on the planet.  The Clean Green revolution is in full swing. Not only to make energy more environmentally friendly, but also to ensure it is affordable and accessible to all people.

In this Learning Circle, you can share your experiences, stories and opinions. We invite you all to learn and work together to make the world a better place. 


For an introduction to SDG's 7 and 13 and 'The Paris agreement' see page Resources



Phase 4 - Completion and Evaluation

 May 08 - June 02 2017



Newsletter Monday June 12:

Dear LC participants,



We have come to the end of this Learning Circle. Thank you to all the participants who submitted their research and Summary Videos. It was great to see what you are doing to make our planet a cleaner and greener one to live on. Hope this LC inspired you to love our planet a bit more and do more to make sure you (and your children) will still be able to enjoy its natural resources, beauty, fauna and flora for years to come.


Although we have come to the end of the official timeline of the LC, you are still welcome to post contributions to Challenge 1 and  Challenge 2  as well as the final phase -  Completion and Evaluation.



You can also still make contact with other participating groups for Skype/ Messanger/ WhatsApp/ etc chats, and you are welcome to contact me to help set that up.


Hope to meet up again for another round of GTP Learning Circles.


Best GTP regards


Charlotte Tervit,

LC facilitator




Watch The Lorax (Universal Pictures, 2012) as a group before you start working on the challenges. This adaptation of the 1971 book by children's author Dr Suess cleverly illustrates the damage caused by pollution, burning fossil fuels, deforestation and a general disregard for nature. Long before “going green” was mainstream, Dr. Seuss’s Lorax spoke for the trees and warned of the dangers of disrespecting the environment...


How to use this wiki:


  • In the sidebar on the right you can find general information like the timeline and background information
  • Every Monday the newsletter on this home page keeps you updated.
  • In the overview of school pages (below) you can click on the name of the school, to find the school page. 
  • Everyone can see the contributions that your group or class posted on your school page, but only participants that can login, can edit this page.  
  • You can focus on one assignment or more from any challenge and discuss whether to divide your class into groups to work on the various assignments.
  • Please share with us how your group worked together. The learning process is as interesting as the results!
  • Learning outcomesWorking on the challenges you are learning and practicing various skills. You can use this schedule to keep track of what skills are addressed and what it has brought to your class. For more info see also the page 'Learning & practicing skills' in the sidebar.


Skype and feedback

  • Read how to make a Skype appointment with another group from your Learning Circle on this page


    Feel free to also indicate a time / date that would suit you best :-)



Information / Action


Learning Circle facilitator (questions and support about the learning process during the circle)

Country Coordinator (questions about registration, workshops, in country support)


Project coordinator Global Teenager Project: Bob Hofman

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 Overview Schoolpages 'Saving Our Planet' 2017 





Challenge 1


Challenge 1

Challenge 2

 Challenge 2




1. First City Gymnasia





The Netherlands

2. Lyceum de Grundel 2A1 Detlef Duwe







3. Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School





The Netherland 4. Ashram College







The Netherlands
5. Lyceum de Grundel 2HA2 Marcel Kienhuis
6. Glebe Collegiate Institute





South Africa

7. Hope School




8. Bal Prabhat Boarding


     in the overview means a school posted a contribution for this phase. 
   The color indicates if it was placed in timelittle bit late1 one week late or more.

   A 'X' in the overview means a school dit not place anything in the wiki in this phase. 




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